Bernard Gotfryd Dates 1924-2016 Birthplace Radom, Poland Description M Works by this Artist Duke Ellington Robert Kennedy Arthur Miller Aldous Huxley Beatles Willem de kooning Tom Wolfe George Ballanchine Stuart Davis Giorgio de Chirico Simon and Garfunkel Salvador Dali and Alice Cooper Julio Cortazar Alexander Calder Elie Wiesel Andy Warhol Alice Walker Kurt Vonnegut Gloria Steinem Jean Stafford, East Hampton William Burroughs Wilfrid Sheed George Segal Barnet Newman at the Guggenheim Toni Morrison Czeslaw Milosz W.S. Merwin Georgia O’Keeffe Marshall McLuhan, Toronto James Baldwin and Nina Simone Peter Matthiesen Mario Vargas Llosa Stanley Kunitz Langston Hughes Lillian Hellman Elizabeth Hardwick Chaim Gross Nadine Gordimer Betty Friedan Ralph Ellison Sir Francis Bacon E. L. Doctorow